3 mins transcript from Tiffany and Jessica chat

Author: PT  |  Category: 生活中的無聊趣事, 소녀시대

for my term’s module project XD juz 3 mins from this => 090209 KBS World Star Chat with Tiffany and Jessica

It’s actually…. difficult when they speak together >.<

Sarah: Hi everyone, I’m Sarah John and your listening to Star Chat on KBS world radio and Oh (expression) my partner Chris is not here but that’s OK cause we’re with the group but only 2 members of the group. ‘Ah’ we like to welcome Tiffany and Jessica from Sonyeo Shidae or Girls’ Generation.

Tiffany/Jessica: Yeah, Oh “Hi, we’re Girls’ Generation, Hi, this is Tiffany and Hi, this is Jessica.

Sarah: Ok so this is ah makes it easier for me cause both of you are current American, and I don’t have to translate. ok, so right now you’re your huge hit “Gee” ok is such a sensation around the country, also around the world I think. Cause I seen a, you know the youtube video.

Tiffany : Ya, seen a choir actually

Sarah:  It’s not just from Korea right, it’s like from Thailand, I seen other countries too

Tiffany: Ya, other countries. And boys And girls. Yeah. That’s was so interesting yeah.

Sarah: Exactly. So did you expect that this album or that single at least would be this popular?

Tiffany: We had no idea. We really had no idea. Hmm preparing for this album, we took a lot more than hmm we expected,. So we like took a lot more time than everybody else expected.

Sarah: Right

Tiffany: But I guess as as hard as we worked like the back is getting

Sarah: Right. Exactly. It’s paying off, it’s paying off. Ok, but do when you guys hear a song do you know ok, this is gonna be a hit or u just kinda put it out there and see what happens?

Tiffany: Ahh, of course there’s always really really good music, like all the music we’ve done so far is like our style and we really like it, but the song is actually pretty new and different from what we did in the first album so,

Sarah: Right

Tiffany: We were kinda scared but at the same time but we’re like we should be scared and she should kinda (kind of) make it ours and if it doesn’t look like ours.

Jessica: It actually became ours.

Sarah: Yeah, ok that’s good. Ok. So you said that you took a lot of time to prepare for this album.

Tiffany/Jessica: Yeah

Sarah: So you guys have a new image as well, hmm how else do you think you’ve changed? At least from this album to the first one.

Tiffany: I have to say, we were just so much,

Sarah: Ok.

Tiffany: Like in what ways? Musically, physically, mentally and as a group. I’d say we grew up a lot. And like long time ago, we just like argue about like stupid things and now it’s like we understand each other a lot more and we all running like one goal so.

Jessica: I think it actually shows, like when we go on stage, hmm feel more mature and we feel more comfortable on stage.

Sarah: Ok, so how do you think it’s change in terms of relationship between you girls, cause 9 girls, that’s a lot. I know girls can get a little catty but..

Tiffany/Jessica: 9 girls

Tiffany: Baseball team

Sarah: Cause (because) you are like sisters too

Tiffany: Abit sporty heh, Haha.. erm ah, we get a bit catty cause (because) we’re a bit catty, cause (because) we’re like sisters. That’s exactly what we call each other but it can get catty but what’s really really like, we’re really well balance, so we are all like we are all really catty but we’re not catty to each other.

We are catty when it comes to like our group. Like when somebody like says anything about us. We will like what?

Sarah: Very protective

Tiffany: We are really protective

Jessica: Tiffany’s really over protective.

Tiffany: I really, actually protective

Jessica: Over protective. I’m kidding.

Sarah: Oh Oh, you are the mother figure of the group.

I stopped at 03:15… lol… getting too long XD

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